Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022

Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022


We will all remember 2022 for a long time and it will certainly become a historically significant year. In addition to all the accumulated problems with the prices and availability of raw materials, rising energy prices and growing inflation following the two-year period of Covid, Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and started a military conflict quite close to our borders – something we could not even have imagined until that moment.

Unfortunately, the war continues, and the hope of its quick end is still out of sight. In combination with the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation, this fact was also reflected in the global economy, and it particularly affected Europe, which was significantly dependent on strategic raw materials supplied from Russia, especially natural gas, and oil. The subsequent turbulent movement of prices and, in particular, the rise in the prices of energy, raw materials and other products was unprecedented. Every company had to face the resulting situation, and unfortunately there is a high probability that this nonstandard and uncertain situation is going to continue next year.

Despite the unfavourable conditions, we managed to pass the year 2022 with honour, even though the values of the set economic result plan were not achieved this time. I concurrently firmly believe that we will also manage the following year 2023, in which we hope to see the end of the war conflict and the calming down of the fickle and unstable macroenvironment which has had a negative effect on companies and, of course, on all households.

Despite all these circumstances, we have not deviated from our long-term goal, which is also our mission, i.e., to produce sustainable quality plastic products. This means, above all, products with a long usable life, with a content of returnable materials and with a positive contribution to our environment. At the same time, we have set ambitious standards not only for the production processes, but also for internal company standards guaranteeing the protection of human rights, the elimination of any forms of discrimination and ensuring a safe working environment for all our employees.

Sustainability is completely natural for us. We will continue to meet the strict criteria imposed on our industry, including other voluntary commitments we set in environmental protection.

Ing. Pavel Čechmánek, CEO

View the online CSR report – Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022 (PDF).